What's that saying about one step forward and two steps back? Well, I think that's where we are this weekend. We went out to the house this evening for the first time all week because we were thinking nothing much had been done. Brad had said last week that he was waiting for the basement walls and floor to be poured before starting on the floor trusses and that when he got the trusses in as support for the walls, he would back fill those walls.
So when we got out there tonight we noticed he had already started backfilling the walls. We wondered why he did it before all the other stuff, and then we noticed the braces...yes, the braces, the ones keeping the wall from falling down. Yikes! Yes, when you look carefully at the pics you see how the wall has bowed in under the pressure, cracking some of the blocks. I'm thinking this cannot be good. Just when I go trying to relax about the time frame, he goes and gets in a hurry and screws up big time.
We called and asked him about it, and yes, it is his fault. He doesn't understand why it did it cause it's never happened to him before. But it goes against the whole order of events he laid out for me last week, so it seems like he'd have figured it was a possibility.
I'm trying to decide if this is going to worry me to death or not. I'm concerned that there is no easy fix for the problem. Brad is going to have to dig all the fill dirt back out without damaging the wall, then crank the wall back to plumb (or whatever), and I guess see if it holds??? I am concerned that whatever fix we use is going to cause problems in the long run, if not in integrity then in waterproofing at the very least. But if his fix doesn't work, the only other option is to tear the wall down and rebuild it
Oh well, so much for my rushed timeline. I have no idea how much this will cost in time or money. I spent this evening taking my anger out on dustbunnies and cobwebs. This might just bode well for my spring cleaning!
(Sorry about the picture quality--these are from my phone.)
Murphy's law is alive and well. Now let me clarify--this Brad that's doing the building--It's not Brad Prestwood, is it?
No, I think Prestwood would try a little harder to impress me....LOL!
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