Sunday, April 6, 2008

What's the point in 10-day forecasts, really?

So my friends all know I've become rather neurotic about checking the weather lately. And I know it's spring and all, but seriously, the 10-day forecast changes more often than Braxton changes clothes, which is A LOT! Earlier this weekend, it was supposed to rain one day next week, then it turned to two, then three, then four. And just when I was beginning to think the rainy season was here to stay, now the rain has disappeared from the forecast. As best I can tell, the forecast changes every couple hours or so.

In the end, who knows really what the weather will be? The lot is a mess, so even with the pretty weather, I don't know how long it will take to dry out enough for them to get big trucks in there. I don't think today was enough to do it.

Our bank tells me that they have deposited our first draw, though, so tomorrow, I get to write the biggest check of my life so far, $22,000. I just read an article on CNN about all these people losing their jobs, homes, and just not able to pay their bills in general, and I wonder if the timing of this was a mistake. I guess there's no way to know that now. With my previously mentioned financial worries, I'm all too aware of how the well can be drained dry. But there's no turning back now....not that I even want to. I am so ready to move into this house!!!

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