Wednesday, April 2, 2008

A Little Progress

Because of the rain this week, there has only been a little progress. I'm not sure where we are with pouring concrete for the walls, but I know we are waiting for the rain to clear for a delivery of gravel or creek sand to back fill against the walls. I also know the bank inspector has been out and approved the first draw, so we're 10% complete. And now I'm 100% anxious about needing to get on the ball and get this house on the market. I'm such a procrastinator...ugghh!

We had to get an unanticipated foundation survey also this week. The good news was that it was fairly cheap and done quickly. We also now have home owner's insurance, which is incredibly cheaper than our current house/policy. Some of that I'm sure is the lack of pool, but my goodness, this is twice the house and only one third of the premium. That's about my only good financial news this week. I have been telling people that I'm hemorrhaging cash this week between all of us at the dentist, Anna's various summer camps, the dog, etc., I'm about done for.

The windows have been ordered, so I got to make some fun decisions about that. The most interesting window set up is actually in one of the kids' rooms, probably Anna's room because she likes the window, heehee. It'll be a triple window with the center being an arch top. It looks pretty neat. I also added a double window in the dining room and took out the arch top there. That would be too hard to do because of that being a load bearing wall, or something like that. And in general, I asked Brad to size up the windows wherever he could. I just like big windows and think that bigger is always better.

I guess I'll get back out there to check tomorrow evening or Friday afternoon. Tomorrow is crazy with appointments, so it will probably be Friday. To be honest, I really have to focus on getting the current house on the market....forget the new one for a while. That's much easier said than done!

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