Monday, September 22, 2008

Fresh Pear

"Wow," is the general reaction we're getting to this room. Some have said, "Oh my." My aunts just let out a high-pitched cackle. My contractor said he was going to send us a bill for the damage done to his retinas from the blinding paint color.

It actually looks nice in this pic, but when the bright sun is shining through that room, the paint reflects off itself and makes the whole house glows down the hallway. And yes, you can see it from the road. I checked.

I took Anna by there to see it tonight, because even though she picked the color, I didn't know if she'd really like it on the walls. I had already resigned myself to repainting it a shade lighter, even though I really don't have the time or energy. But she loves it! Loves it! It's exactly what she wanted, or at least that's what she says.

I guess I shouldn't worry. Most of the time her room door will be shut anyway because she keeps her room in such general disarray that I'm afraid for people to see it. What do you think?

1 comment:

LARL said...

I guess a little of my blood is coursing through your kid, huh? I love the color of her room. I can't wait to see it in person! Hehee could you imagine if we lived together and her room next to my orange office? : )