Now that most of the walls are up, it's very neat to see how the rooms are all going to be laid out. There have been a couple surprises, like how big the laundry room is and yet how small the powder room next to it is going to be. The stairs to the basement ended up not needing as much headroom as allowed in the plans, so we have some extra space that we could have used to either extend the pantry or make into a closet for the dining room/office. We chose to make it into a closet for that room. I can think of a hundred uses for that extra space, and it's neat to have.
I keep worrying about kitchen space, making sure I have enough, that is. So far it looks plenty roomy. I hope it stays that way. We keep going through phases where everything looks big, and then it looks small, and then it looks big again. Everyone warned me that would happen at different points during construction.
To explain these pics, the first one is the view from the entry way, looking down the foyer. To the left will be the office and a coat closet, straight ahead is the great room, and to the right are one of the bedrooms and the kids' bathroom. The next photo is another one from the front yard, this one showing a little different from the pic last week in that it shows the true window opening size. I'm a little worried about some of those, too. I really like big windows, and they all looked fine in the elevations we had, but I was afraid of their being too small. In the end I asked Brad to size up wherever he could. I think he did that, but some of the bedroom windows still seem small. I'm just trying to go with the flow and not agonize over things like that.
When we were out there on Thursday, they were setting the roof trusses, but I forgot my camera, and I didn't even have my phone with me to take a quick pic either because its battery was super dead. I thought I'd be out there again for sure this weekend to have another opportunity for more pics, but I haven't had a reason to be over that way yet. Maybe tomorrow...