Friday, August 29, 2008

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Is there an end in sight?

Well, as you can tell, we're pretty much 3/4 of the way done with the brick. In fact, the back of the house is a straight run, and with the corners already set, that should only take a few days. But people are asking me daily when it will be done, and I truly have no idea. I know when it needs to be done, but that may not be the same thing. It is looking good though.

Keep your fingers crossed for me that painting begins this week. That will go quickly, and once that is done, the electricians can get back in and begin installing fixtures. I'm very excited about that. I had planned to start buying some fixtures this weekend, but we unexpectedly got offered Panthers tickets, so we did that this evening instead. Priorities, right?

We also got the go-ahead from the post office to install our mailbox, or at least a temporary one. I'd like to have a brick column made at some point, but I think that should wait until after the last of the big trucks has to get in there. Once the remaining concrete is poured, we might be safe, but I want to go ahead and start changing addresses permanently instead of having to do it twice, so we will probably stick some kind of mailbox up for now and change it out later.

That's the update for now. Stay tuned...

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Decisions, decisions

Needless to say, after two weeks of apartment living, I am more than ready for this house adventure to be over! Check out my other blog for more details on my apartment adventure.

Slowly but surely the new house is coming together. We finally closed on the old house on Friday, and I have lots of decisions to make about the new house: cabinets, flooring, paint, interior door styles, etc. I'd like to do that in some type of order, but it really all has to be done at once because the paint color is going to be very dependent on flooring and cabinets, etc. Let's just say I'm not going to ever be known for my decorating sense, so I'm pretty sure I'm going to screw this up somehow. Look out to my friends at work--I'm bringing some of this stuff with me to work this week. You might want to hide if you hear me coming!

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Picture from Monday

Here's the pic from Monday that I was unable to upload then. Hopefully, I'll get back out there Thursday or Friday and have new pics that show mucho progress to post then.

Monday, August 4, 2008

Bricking around the front

I'm anxious to see the house all bricked up with the front porch, and the masons are making their way around to the front. I have a picture but cannot get it to load for you tonight for some reason. It's looking good though, so I'll have a new picture soon. They are very close to the front porch now, so my hope is that by the end of the week I'll have a good idea of what it looks like and can post better pictures than I'm trying to post tonight.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Brick well underway

Well, the brick is well underway, with one whole side of the house completed so far. And the sheetrock is moving right along. It's been mudded and sanded at least once as far as I can tell. That's the greatroom in that top pic.

We chose a light brick, so I'm getting a little paranoid about that red dirt and the light brick. We're using sand right now to help keep it clean, but I can't get grass planted quickly enough, I'm sure.

Now that the first move is over, I hope to take more pics and update the blog a little more often. Very soon I hope to be able to post pics of cabinets, flooring, etc. Wish me luck!